the moment your wonderful news makes a physical debut in the form of an
adorable bump peeking out from an unbuttoned jacked you hear it. You
hear it from family, from friends, from the sweet old lady in aisle 5 as
she touches your stomach. "Enjoy every moment, it goes by so fast." You
hear it and it resonates within you, but you never fully understand
how fast it is going to go until you are living it. I think what they mean when they tell you this is that while some days are long the years are short. There are some days you are counting down until bedtime, you know those days. Blink and those days turned into years.
years ago my husband and I brought home our sweet little boy from the hospital and we
became a family of three. I can still remember that new baby smell, a
mixture of Dreft and Johnson and Johnson lotion, as I held him over my shoulder, kissing his little nose. While he still likes to snuggle his mom those moments are fleeting and he can barely fit into my arms. He is now tall enough to ride most of the big rides at Disney
World and seems to grow by the minute. How can those pants be too short,
we just bought them last month?! It feels like just yesterday I stood
before him with arms wide open as he took his first wobbly steps towards
me. Now I sit before him at the kitchen table helping him with
homework. He is his own person now. What an amazing gift to watch your once helpless little newborn turn into their own person. A sweet loving boy with an amazing
sense of humor. He is wise and yet still so child like. Constantly
thinking of others he is the first to ask me how my night at work went
and how he can help around the house. When I come downstairs dressed for
date night he always stops what he is doing to tell me how pretty I
look, one of the many sweet gestures he gets from his father. I am a lucky girl. He has a passion for all things science and music with a mean
spiral when throwing a football. He is the definition of BOY and that
scared the living daylights out of me 6 years ago.
the ultrasound confirmed we were having a boy, my husband's face lit
up. The father and son relationship is a special one, and one we all
know about. What I didn’t know was about the mother-son relationship and
how this little red hair/ blue eye boy would change my life forever.
Growing up it was always just me and my sister. I knew nothing about
raising a little boy and often wondered how our relationship would be.
You see mothers and daughters enjoying mani pedis, shopping, and
gossiping. You see fathers and sons at the park playing catch, fishing
at the lake, and sharing a beer. Where will I fit in in this sweet boys
life when he has become my whole world?
didn't take long to learn where I stand in his world. I am his nurse,
the one he comes to when his stomach is hurting or he needs a band-aid and
a kiss. I am, along with his amazing father, teaching him how to be a
gentleman as he asks to go on special Starbucks dates with me and even
holds the door open. I am his cheerleader and enjoy every moment
watching from the sidelines as kicks a goal or slides into home. I am
his teacher and will read to him for as long as he wants and teach him
about anything and everything he wants to know. As parents we teach our children every single moment of their lives. How to talk, walk, read, and write. How to be polite, play a new game, throw a baseball. I wonder if our children realize they they also teach us so much more just by being themselves, pure and innocent.
Here are just a few things I have learned in my short 6 years as a mother.

It's OK to get dirty. Some grass and dirt stains may never come out and I can't even begin to tell you how many pairs of pants we had to get
rid of for ripping at the knees, but the memories attached to those
messes are worth more than a $10 pair of pants!
3.) UNPLUG and PUT THE PHONE DOWN. Children and adults both crave undivided attention.
When you are out with your friends or speaking with your kids remember
eye contact and put away the phone. You are missing so many special moments. That post will be there in a few hours.
4.) Fresh air and sweat cures all. Ever notice how the kids get antsy and moody by
the end of a bad winter or a particularly rainy season? We often take
our children out to "run off some steam," but what about us? I found
nothing gets me out of a funk faster than a nice long walk or a good
sweat at the gym.
5.) Dance it out. If you are a huge Grey's Anatomy fan like me you know that Meredith and Christina usually dance out their frustrations. Every morning was a struggle to get my son up and ready for
school- that is until I started this new routine. I dance and sing around the room until he wakes up and joins me. I don't know if it is
the fact that it helps him get energized or the fact he can't stand my
singing-but hey at least he is laughing and at school on time.
6.) Try your best. We are often found saying this to our children but what about us? We put so much pressure on ourselves as parents and at times beat ourselves up when we make mistakes. We are human and mistakes are the only way we learn. No matter what the task is, just try your best and if you fail try it again tomorrow and this time do it better.
7.) Friends pick up where they left off. Nothing teaches you more about true friendships then when you pack up your family and move away from your child's first set of school friends. They show us that we don't have to necessarily talk everyday, but good friends are hard to come by and we must savor and cherish those special bonds.
8.) Get right back up. Kid's are incredibly resilient and strong. Often their falls hurt us more than them. Watching them get right back up and try again without fear is something we can all learn from. No mater what, GET BACK UP.
9.) Never underestimate the wisdom of a young child. Some of the best conversations I have ever had were with my little one. Their thoughts are pure and not yet corrupted by society and what they need to think and believe. Just are true to themselves, something I wish we could just bottle up.

This couldn't be any more true. Great words from an even better person!